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When you see these 7 signs, there is a deficiency of protein in the body

Moderated proteins need to keep the body active. Energy is mainly available from proteins. Protein has amino acids that increase the body's muscles. Many times the body also lacks protein deficiency. This can lead to major problems in the future.

What are the signs of the lack of proteins in the body-

Skin, Hair and Nails Problems:
Skin, hair and nail stains are seen in the deficiency of the protein. Signs of redness, thin hair, hair color, and lightening.

Body meat loss: The main ingredient in the body is protein. So if it lacks, the appearance starts to get worse.

Prolonged risk of bone loss: Protein keeps the bones strong and deep. If the deficiency of the protein becomes bones weak and fragile.

Too much hunger, taking extra calories: Protein-rich foods keep abdominal stomach for a long time, so they do not get hungry repeatedly. And there is less trend in eating more calories.

Infectious Risk: Immune system stops due to lack of protein. As a result, the disease can bind the body.

Fatty liver: A common symptom of protein deficiency is fatty liver.

Prohibits the progress of children: Protein is very important for children. If they do not eat proteins properly, their growth and development are hampered.

To meet the lack of protein, you can eat marine fish, soybean, gin, beans, milk, cheese, curd, amanda, oats, chicken meat, cottage cheese, broccoli, tuna fish, pulses, pumpkin seeds, tissue seeds, fish and nut. It is sure that you will be healthy while playing these foods all day.

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